Speakers often make a visual statement about their sound performance – striking and expressive. With his design of the Master Line Source 2, Stephan Hürlemann followed an idea of integrating complex technical detail in a formally modest, linear body. “I wanted to design an archetypal speaker,” says Hürlemann, “that works in every space, yet has a unique presence.” The MLS2 gets its unmistakeable character from the blades on its back surface which diffuse sound backwards. Hürlemann structured this section in such a way that the speaker body is read as a closed volume despite the large opening.
For audiophiles: Master Line Source 2 is a masterpiece of loudspeaker construction, developed by Kurt Scheuch from Piega. Its tone is breathtakingly clear and transmits the subtlest details. This is thanks to the so-called Piega ‘ribbons’; in the MLS2 these are arranged in lines of horizontal layers and radiate sounds in the middle and high tone ranges in the form of a cylinder. With the MLS2 these ribbons are additionally opened to the rear and operate as a dipole through an acoustic lens.
Design: Stephan Hürlemann
Photos: Piega