This year, Switzerland’s largest parquet manufacturer devotes its stand to the healthy living environments. Bauwerk’s parquet materials create no harm to health whatsoever and contribute to the pleasant atmosphere of a room. In the installation ‘The Wind’ created by Stephan Hürlemann visitors walk through a field of more than 300 little dancing windmills. Through soft, and then stronger gusts, they approach the wind’s source: the friendly face of a man projected on a screen larger than life. Sometimes he blows the windmills gently or briskly, sometimes he just observes them with interest. The windmills react to his actions. Thus Hürlemann has pulled off a surprising illusion: the film on screen is synchronised with the ventilators at the edge of the stand that are really creating the wind. At the end of the space visitors ultimately enter the world of Bauwerk products and raw materials. There, at a bright counter also designed by Hürlemann, they can find out more about the healthy products from Bauwerk Parkett staff members.
Special thanks to Hardy Bryner for giving the wind a face.
The installations' creation was documented by filmmaker Jela Hasler in a short video.
Photos: Beat Bühler